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Latest post: 7/12/2021 MANUALE per operatori e operatrici. Read PDF here.

We are in the process of writing the first short-collection of OTTN essays pivoting on the interrelation between the complexity of western social systems and the active role of contemporary culture, seen here both as a tool to navigate through the present and a mean to acknowledge one's inner and outer chaos.

Essay n. 1 will investigate the work methodology of our team and focus on different aspects of our approach, such as work sustainability, communicating culture on social media, questioning the imaginary as a track for thoughts, and disavowing the idea of an audience.

While writing our thesis, we decided to share with you the bibliography we are currently reading. Hopefully, you will find the following sources as important as we do and if you wish to comment or add any, please do so via email at

THE SOURCES [ESSAY ONE]: Click here to open in Google Docs.


Pensieri Liberi, 15 minuti di pensieri ispirati alle fonti dei nostri testi.

Chiunque volesse participare in modo attivo a questa raccolta può farlo mandandoci un'email.

Selected material from the internet we love to share with you:

BAD GIRLS ZINE 1994 (free pdf)

from NEWMUSEUM, New York City.

FRANK STELLA, 2016 interview by Marie Maertens

from Maertens website.


BEAUTY AND THE BRAIN: Aesthetic Appreciation
J. Anat, 2010


The Effect Of Contemporary Art Perception, a doctoral dissertation by 
Andrea Garnell Querol, 2016.

Find more material every Tuesday on our Patreon page:

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2022 OTTN Projects

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Trasparenza Economica 2020.

OTTN Projects APS - Via Clerici 11, Parma (PR) - 43122 (IT)
P.iva 02931770347

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